Filing Complaints with Accreditor, 国家机构, or Other Relevant Official

最初, a student should pursue any concern about Hawkeye 社区 College through the formal resolution processes that Hawkeye provides. Administrative Guideline 101 outlines the process for governing discipline, grievances and complaints, appeals and remedies related to academic integrity.

学生 wishing to file complaints with Hawkeye’s accreditor may contact the Higher Learning Commission.

的 Iowa Department of Education accepts questions from the public and complaints from students concerning unresolved issues with schools in the following categories:

  • Schools that are physically located in Iowa.

  • Schools that are registered in Iowa, including schools that are registered in Iowa only to provide programs via distance education.

  • 在美国的任何一所学校.S., if the party registering the question or complaint with the Commission is an Iowa resident. 的 Commission may refer the inquiring party to or request the assistance of the regulatory authority in the state in which the school is located.

完成 Iowa College Aid 学生 Complaint Form or call 877-272-4456 to file a complaint with the Iowa Department of Education.

A student or the public may also wish to consider the following additional resources for vetting concerns about a school:

在线 学生—Out of State Complaint Contacts

Institutions offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student's state. For information concerning filing a complaint with Hawkeye’s accrediting agency, please see the paragraph above.

学生 enrolled in online classes at Hawkeye 社区 College who reside out-of-state should follow the formal resolution process noted earlier in this section of 消费者信息. 在线 students have the same rights and responsibilities as those students enrolled in on-campus courses.

Complaint Contacts by Location

阿拉巴马- - - - - -Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education

阿拉斯加-Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education

亚利桑那州,Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

阿肯色州,Arkansas Department of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

加州Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

科罗拉多州,Colorado Department of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

康涅狄格州,的 Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education

特拉华州-Delaware Department of Education

佛罗里达,Florida Department of Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

爱达荷州,Idaho Board of Education 学生 Grievance Procedure, page 8.

印第安纳州,Indiana Commission on Proprietary Education

堪萨斯-Board of Regents 学生 Grievance Procedure

肯塔基州,Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

路易斯安那州- - - - - -Louisiana Board of Regents 学生 Grievance Procedure

缅因州-Maine Department of Education

马里兰,Maryland Higher Education Commission 学生 Grievance Procedure

麻萨诸塞州,Massachusetts Board of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

密歇根州-Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth 学生 Grievance Procedure

明尼苏达州,Minnesota Office of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

密西西比州-Mississippi Commission on College 认证

密苏里州- - - - - -Missouri Department of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

蒙塔-Montana University System, Montana Board of Regents

内布拉斯加州- - - - - -Nebraska Department of Education, Private Postsecondary Career Schools Complaint Form

内华达州,Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

新罕布什尔州- - - - - -New Hampshire Postsecondary Education Commission 学生 Grievance Procedure

新泽西,New Jersey Commission of Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

新墨西哥州,New Mexico Higher Education Department 学生 Grievance Procedure

北卡罗莱纳-North Carolina 社区 College System, Office of Proprietary School Services 学生 Grievance Procedure

北达科他,North Dakota State Board for Career and Technical Education

俄亥俄州,Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools 学生 Grievance Procedure

俄克拉何马州,Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

俄勒冈州Department of Education - Private and Career Schools Office

宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania Department of Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

波多黎各,Puerto Rico Council on Higher Education

南卡罗来纳,South Carolina Commission on Higher Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

南达科塔-South Dakota Board of Regents 学生 Grievance Procedure

田纳西-Tennessee Higher Education Commission Complaint Form

德州,Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 学生 Grievance Procedure

犹他-Utah Division of Consumer Protection 学生 Grievance Procedure

佛蒙特州- - - - - -Vermont State Board of Education 学生 Grievance Procedure

维吉尼亚,Private and Out-of-State Postsecondary Education, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia 学生 Grievance Procedure

华盛顿-Washington 学生 Achievement Council

华盛顿- - - - - -Education Licensure Commission

西维吉尼亚州,West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission 学生 Grievance Procedure, Section 14 of Series 20

威斯康辛州,Wisconsin Educational Approval Board 学生 Grievance Procedure

Also see the 学生 Complaint Policy.



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January 3 – May 10, 2024
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

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May 13 – July 26, 2024
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

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星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

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